Best Window Tint

How to Choose the Best Window Tint Installation Companies

Finding a reputable window tinting company is important to ensure that your windows are installed correctly and look great. There are a few things to keep in mind when searching for the best window tint installation company.

Do your research – read online reviews and compare different companies

When you’re looking for the best window tint, doing your research is key. Read through online reviews to get an idea of what previous customers thought of the service they received and whether they were satisfied with the results. Compare different companies so you can find a reliable brand that offers good value for money. This way, you won’t be disappointed with your choice and you’ll have peace of mind knowing you have chosen a quality product.

Best Window Tint
Best Window Tint

Make sure the company you choose is licensed and insured

Before you choose a window tinting professional for your vehicle, it is important to check that they are both licensed and insured. Getting an unlicensed window tinter can put you at risk of paying out more money due to mistakes they could make as well as not having a warranty if something goes wrong. Make sure the company you choose has the right level of insurance to protect you, in case any issues arise. This peace of mind will go a long way in ensuring that you receive the best window tint job possible.

Ask for a free estimate to get an idea of pricing

If you’re considering getting your windows tinted, the best way to make a well-informed decision is to ask for a free estimate. Having a full understanding of the pricing and expected results can help you feel more confident in selecting the right tint for the job.

Schedule a time for the installation that is convenient for you

Making sure you get your car windows tinted in a timely and efficient manner is our top priority. That’s why we will work with you to schedule a time for installation that fits best with your own schedule. We provide flexible appointment times so that we can best provide you with the highest quality tint job possible. Rest easy knowing that you’ll be able to drive away with great-looking and energy saving window tints as soon as possible. Reach out today to discuss our available appointment slots and get a quote on the perfect tint package for you.

Enjoy your new, energy-efficient windows!

By investing in new, energy-efficient windows, you are making a long-term commitment to decrease your energy costs and reduce the amount of UV light entering your car. Make the most out of this investment by installing the best window tint available! Trust us that you won’t regret it – high quality window tint will keep your car cooler during hot months, provide privacy and comfort year-round, and add a contemporary look to all of your windows. Enjoy the process of adding energy efficiency and style with your new windows!

Window Tinting
Window Tinting

Highline Customs
14273 NW Science Park Dr, Portland, OR 97229
(503) 644-4442

How much does it Cost to Tint Windows

How much does it Cost to Tint Windows

Have you ever wondered how much does it cost to tint windows? The process of window tinting can vary in price depending on a few factors, such as the type of film used and the size of the car. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the pricing options for window tinting so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for your car.

Why tint your windows

Window tinting can be an attractive and practical option for those looking to improve the look and feel of their home. Not only does window tinting add some privacy and protection from UV rays, it also reduces glare, improves energy efficiency, and adds superior style.  And with a range of affordable costs, depending on size and style of your windows, window tinting is an excellent choice for anyone looking to get the most out of their windows.

Car Window Tinting
Car Window Tinting

The benefits of window tinting

Window tinting can offer you a number of advantages, both in terms of protecting your car and also in terms of aesthetics. It provides a layer of protection against UV rays, which can cause the interior upholstery to fade, as well as reduce interior temperature and glare; it also protects the window itself by making it more resilient to cracking or shattering. Additionally, window tinting adds a certain level of privacy while increasing the overall look of your car, giving it sleekness while maintaining that factory-new shine. The cost for tinting windows will vary depending on the kind of film used and the size and number of windows that need to be tinted; however, when you take into account all of its many benefits, it’s clear that properly done window tinting is an investment worth making.

How much it costs to have your car windows tinted

If you’re looking to have your car windows tinted for safety, style, and energy efficiency, you should know that the cost is dependent on the size and type of vehicle, as well as the film color and quality you choose. Generally speaking, it can range from $100 to over $400 for a full car. Most facilities offer packages depending on various factors, so make sure to do your research before committing to a deal. Professional window tinting adds more than just aesthetics; it helps protect your ride’s interior against fading and harsh UV rays while offering a higher level of security. Consider the changes in temperature during commuting and its effects on passenger comfort when deciding whether window tinting is right for you.

Different types of window tints available

Window tinting is an increasingly popular window treatment used to reduce solar energy, protect from UV rays, and create privacy. There are a variety of different types of window tints available today – from dye-based films to hybrid tints to ceramic films. Dye-based films are the least expensive option at an average cost of $5-$8 per square foot and offer some protection against UV rays. Hybrid films are slightly more expensive ($10-$15 per square foot) but provide more protection against UV rays while still providing transparency; they are a popular choice for residences. Ceramic films come with the best heat reduction technology and highest clarity level but also come with the highest cost – running between $18-$25 per square foot. Finding the right type of tint will depend on your budget as well as other factors such as desired temperature control and UV ray protection.

How to care for your tinted windows

Whether you’ve just had your windows tinted or it’s been a while, proper care and maintenance around them is key. If your tinted windows were not properly installed, they can prematurely break down right after the tint job. To keep them looking new and working properly, take some extra precautions to ensure they last longer. Regularly dusting or vacuuming any dirt that may accumulate along the window edges helps prevent them from getting scratched or damaged. Try to also avoid cleaners with ammonia since it can cause bubbling on the film. Allowing a professional window tinter to inspect your windows each year helps too, providing any additional maintenance needed for optimal performance and lifespan.

Window Tinting
Window Tinting

Highline Customs
14273 NW Science Park Dr, Portland, OR 97229
(503) 644-4442

Tinting Car Windows Prices

How Much are Tinting Car Windows Prices

Most car window tints cost between $100 and $200, with higher-end tints costing up to $1,000. Tinting car windows prices will depend on the type of film you choose, the size and make of your vehicle, and the number of windows you plan to have tinted. If you’re looking for a quality window tint that will last for years, expect to pay on the higher end of the price range. But if you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, there are still plenty of great choices available. No matter how much you spend on your window tint, be sure to hire a qualified professional installer to ensure a perfect result.

Why You Should Get Your Car Windows Tinted

Investing in car window tinting is a wise choice, as it increases your comfort while driving as well as the value of your vehicle. Besides the obvious advantages like potentially reducing glare from the sun and lowering temperatures inside your car, you also receive the added peace of mind that comes with the increased privacy tinting provides. Compared to cheaper alternatives, such as aftermarket shades or films, window tinting does not wear away easily and can last for years on end. And with prices starting at around $100 to $400 depending on how many windows you want to tint, you can rest assured that it is an affordable option worth considering.

Tinting Car Windows
Tinting Car Windows

The Different Types of Car Window Tints Available

There is a wide range of car window tint available, offering motorists the opportunity to tailor the appearance of their vehicles to suit personal preferences. Different types vary in terms of appearance, performance and price – from standard ‘dyed’ tints which affect vehicle colouring, through to higher-end colourstable tints that also provide additional heat reduction and UV protection benefits. The right choice depends on each individual’s budget as well as their desired level of privacy, style and performance. Understanding these differences will help ensure that motorists find the best car window tint for their particular needs.

How to Choose the Right Tint for Your Car Windows

Finding the perfect tint for your car windows is a process that should not be rushed. As you shop for the product, consider factors such as local regulations to ensure your tint is legal, as well as the price point and range of options that are available to you. Different tints may offer unique benefits such as heat resistance or color retention; look into your options to find the best fit for your vehicle. Researching industry-leading brands can also help set a benchmark when it comes to quality and performance. If you take all of this into account, you’ll be ready to make a confident decision about tinting your car windows.

The Benefits of Having Tinted Car Windows

The advantages of having tinted car windows are numerous. Not only does it help to reduce the harsh glare of sunlight, making your driving experience more pleasant and safe, but tinting can also guard against excessive heat absorption that can lead to cabin temp spikes and damage over time. In addition, extra privacy is afforded as well as an increase in style and resale value of your vehicle. With tinting technology advancing every year, there is no reason not to reap the benefits while still maintaining a reasonable price overall.

Suntek Window Film
Suntek Window Film

Highline Customs
14273 NW Science Park Dr, Portland, OR 97229
(503) 644-4442


The Importance of Installing Suntek Film for your Car

If you’re a car enthusiast, then you know the importance of installing a high-quality suntek film. Not only does it protect your car’s paint from UV rays and other environmental hazards, but it also makes your car look great. Here’s why you should make sure to get Suntek installed on your next car.

Car window tinting and its many benefits

At Highline Customs, we understand the need for car window tinting to make your vehicle look its best while also increasing safety and privacy. We offer a variety of tints, each of which has its own benefits. Window tinting can block up to 99% of UV rays that can damage your skin and interior fabric, as well make your windows over 40% cooler in sunny weather to reduce the heat stress on your air conditioner. It can also protect against potential break-ins by making it more difficult for potential thieves to see into the car, giving you added peace of mind. By using Suntek’s window tinting services, you are sure to be pleased with the end result!

Car Window Tinting
Car Window Tinting

How Suntek car window tint can help to reduce heat and glare inside the vehicle

Suntek car window tint is designed to provide superior protection against the harsh rays of the sun. It can help to reduce heat and glare inside your vehicle, keeping occupants comfortable all year round. Suntek’s patented technology works by reflecting large portions of the sun’s enormous energy away from the vehicle, while allowing only a small fraction to pass through its advanced construction. Suntek material also helps block out painful UV radiation and minimize interior fading. With Suntek, you’ll no longer have to worry about becoming uncomfortable inside your vehicle even on very hot days!

How Suntek car window tint can improve the look of your vehicle

Suntek’s car window tin can enhance the exterior of your vehicle in a variety of positive ways. It will give your car a sleek, stylish finish while giving added privacy and reducing heat and harmful UV rays. The high-performance dyed window tint will not fade or bubble, so it is sure to last for years following installation. Suntek offers shades from light to dark, so you’re guaranteed to find a window tint that compliments the color and design of your car perfectly. Furthermore, this investment can help increase your car’s value by preserving its interior from damage done by exposure to the elements. All in all, Suntek’s car window tint is an excellent choice for improving the look of any automobile.

How Suntek car window tint can help to protect your skin from harmful UV rays

Installing Suntek car window tint is an investment in your skin’s health – it provides a barrier between you and the sun’s harmful UV rays. Suntek window tint blocks up to 99.9% of UV, helping to keep your vehicle’s interior cool and comfortable while also providing vital protection from both UVA and UVB light. The tint is available in a range of shades, making it easy to find the perfect level of light filtration that works for you. With years of longevity, you can count on Suntek car window tint to help protect your skin from dangerous UV rays all year round.

Installing Suntek car window tint is a great way to protect the interior of your vehicle from UV damage and excessive heat. Not only does it reduce glare by up to 87%, but it also improves safety by adding an extra layer of security on the windows. Suntek’s tint is also available in a range of shades, so you can customize your car according to your individual needs. With advanced film technology and superior protection against heat, glare, and fading, installing Suntek car window tinting is an investment that pays off for years to come.

Suntek Window Films
Suntek Window Films

Highline Customs
14273 NW Science Park Dr, Portland, OR 97229
(503) 644-4442

Mirror Tint Car

What to Look For When Choosing a Mirror Tint Car Installation

Installing mirror tint on your car can improve its appearance and help protect the interior from UV damage. But it’s important to choose a reputable installer who will do a good job. Here are some things to look for when choosing a mirror tint car installation service.

Decide what level of privacy you want for your car

Whether you want the most privacy for your car against nosy eyes, or just some subtle protection from the sun, deciding the level of tint you need is an important step in giving your vehicle a unique look. Mirrored tints provide one of the highest levels of privacy and are ideal for those seeking exclusivity. However, if you’re looking for something more subtle and understated, consider lighter shades that still offer solar protection without sacrificing visibility. Whichever tint option you decide on, adding any type of window film to your car can add to its overall aesthetic while adding an extra layer of safety and enhanced privacy.

Mirror Tint Car
Mirror Tint Car

Choose a color or pattern for your tinted windows

If you’re looking to add a tint to your car windows, you have countless possibilities to choose from. Whether you want a subtle, factory-like black tint or something more unique like a glossy blue or gold hue, there’s an option for everyone. Patterns such as gradient fades and stars can also be applied for decoration or privacy. For those who have yet to pick out the perfect color for their mirror-tinted car windows, consider your style and the purpose of the tint before making a decision.

Consider the climate you live in 

When selecting a tint for your car, it is important to consider the climate you live in as some tints are more effective in specific weather conditions. For example, a mirror tint car is perfect for hot climates as it reflects and disperses sunlight, keeping your vehicle cool on the inside. On the other hand, in cold climates they can be less desirable, as they don’t provide insulation from extreme temperatures. It is best to research different types of tints and their effectiveness in various climates before making a decision.

Get an estimate from a few different companies before making a decision

When it comes to getting tinted windows on your car, it’s important to ensure you get the best service possible. One of the most vital steps in finding quality service is making sure you get an estimate from multiple companies before making any decisions. This will ensure you get the highest quality of tint and materials at a price that fits your budget. Additionally, this will give you the assurance knowing that you have made the smartest choice when it comes to mirror tinting your car.

Ask about the warranty and guarantee that comes with the installation

Making sure you are covered with a warranty and guarantee is important when it comes to installing mirror tint on your car. The quality of the product and workmanship should be taken into serious consideration. Looking into finding out what type of warranty or guarantee that comes with the installation is a great place to start; this will provide you with assurance that your purchase is protected in the event of any issues down the line. You can inquire about what measures the installer takes to ensure a successful, durable application for your new car tint.

Make sure the installer is experienced and has done this type of job before

When looking to have a mirror tint applied to your car, it’s important to hire someone experienced in the job – look for an installer with a proven track record of good work. Choosing a installer who doesn’t specialize in this kind of work can lead to poor results or worse, such as damaging your car or leaving you with an inferior installation that requires another costly visit. Doing some research before you purchase your tint is key and will make sure the finished product is one that you’re happy and proud of!

Suntek Window Film
Suntek Window Film

Highline Customs
14273 NW Science Park Dr, Portland, OR 97229
(503) 644-4442

Ceramic Window Tint Near Me

How to Find the Right Installer for Ceramic Window Tint Near Me

Ceramic window tint can help reduce the amount of heat and UV rays that enter your car, home, or office. But finding the right installer is just as important as choosing the right product. Here are a few tips on how to find a qualified installers ceramic window tint near me.

Look for a reputable window tinting company that has experience installing ceramic window tints

Finding a reliable window tinting company to install quality ceramic tints can be difficult. It is important to do your research and find one that has the experience and qualifications needed to get the job done right. Look for reviews online or ask friends and family who have had similar work completed so you can make an informed decision. Be sure to look into their policies and warranty before you decide, as this will ensure that your windows are properly installed with the best possible materials and services.

Ceramic Window Tint
Ceramic Window Tint

Make sure the company you choose offers a warranty on their work

When choosing a professional for your ceramic window tinting project, it is important to select a company that offers a warranty on their work. A solid manufacturer or contractor warranty can help ensure that you are receiving high quality service and materials, which will make your investment last longer. Ask potential contractors if they provide warranties and make sure to read the terms of the coverage carefully before selecting one. Researching companies in your area can give you a better idea of what services they offer and how reliable their warranties are.

Ask for referrals from friends or family who have had ceramic window tints installed near them

Ask your network of friends, family, and colleagues if they have had a ceramic window tint installed near them. Not only can they provide quality referrals to nearby businesses that specialize in this service, but they may also be able to help you determine the best value for your unique requirements. Accumulating a few different recommendations and comparing prices can help ensure you get the most for your money when working with a local business for the installation process.

Get multiple quotes from different companies before making a decision

When deciding on a ceramic window tinting service, it is important to get quotes from multiple providers. This can help ensure you are making the most informed decision and that you are getting the best value for your money. When obtaining quotes from various window tinting companies near you, it’s helpful to compare their services, warranties and prices side-by-side before deciding on one ultimately. Ultimately, taking the time to do some research and compare a few different providers can save time and frustration in the long run, giving you peace of mind when selecting a window tinting service.

Once you’ve chosen a company, schedule an appointment to have your ceramic window tint installed

Now that you’ve identified a reputable ceramic window tinting company near you, it’s time to book your appointment. With a little bit of preparation prior to the day of installation, you can ensure the best possible outcome. Things like cleaning the windows, removing any existing tint and readying yourself with any necessary paperwork can help to make the process smoother – not to mention could save time and money on your part. So don’t wait – schedule an appointment today and start enjoying the benefits of ceramic window tint for yourself.

Window Tinting
Window Tinting

Highline Customs
14273 NW Science Park Dr, Portland, OR 97229
(503) 644-4442

PPF Wrap

The Advantages of Installing Paint Protection Film PPF Wrap

If you’re considering installing paint protection film PPF wrap on your vehicle, you’re probably wondering what the advantages are. In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the benefits of PPF wrap so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for your vehicle. 

Paint protection film wrap can keep your car’s paint looking new for years to come

If you want to keep your car’s paint looking brand new for years to come, a paint protection film wrap may just be the perfect solution. With a protective layer against dirt, road debris and other corrosive elements, this investment will help protect your vehicle from damage while maintaining its fresh look and vibrant colors. Not to mention that regular washing of your vehicle with the wrap still in place can make maintenance a breeze – leaving you with more time to enjoy the ride.

Paint Protection
Paint Protection

The film wrap is nearly invisible and helps to protect your car’s paint from scratches, chips, and UV rays

Keeping your car’s paint in pristine condition can be made easier with the film wrap, PPF. For those who value their car, this wrap is the perfect choice due to its nearly invisible protective layer. It offers a protective layer against scratches, chips, and damaging UV rays that come equipped with certain climates. Not only will you keep your car looking brand new, but you will also have a peace of mind knowing it is receiving the best of care.

The film wrap is easy to clean and maintain – simply wash it with soap and water

Keeping film wrap clean and well-maintained is a breeze compared to other materials – all you need is a quick soap and water wash. With this simple process, the PPF wrap can have an extended lifespan since dirt and debris won’t be able to build up as easily. Not only that, but regular cleaning and maintenance will ensure that your PPF wrap looks just like newly applied!

The film wrap is an economical way to protect your car’s paint job and increase its resale value

Protecting your car’s paint job is a great way to ensure that its resale value will remain high. Applying film wrap on the exterior of your vehicle is an economical and efficient way to protect the original paint job from dirt, debris, and wear-and-tear for years to come. PPF wrap is a cost effective solution that requires little time or effort to apply. In addition, depending on the quality of the wrap you choose, it can last up to 10 years with regular maintenance — making it well worth the investment over more expensive options that may be on the market. So save yourself time and money while preserving your car’s resale value: choose PPF wrap today!

Installation of PPF wrap is quick and easy – most kits come with everything you need for a successful installation

Installing a PPF wrap on your car, motorbike or other vehicle couldn’t be easier. When you purchase a kit for film wraps, it typically comes with everything that is needed for the successful installation. This means that the job can get done quickly and without hassle. Even if it’s the first time you’ve performed this type of installation, it won’t take any extra effort to achieve professional results. With everything supplied in one convenient package, you’ll be able to easily protect your prized possession in no time.

PPF Wrap
PPF Wrap

Highline Customs
14273 NW Science Park Dr, Portland, OR 97229
(503) 644-4442

Suntek Window Films

The Benefits of Installing Suntek Window Films for your Car

There are many benefits to installing Suntek Window Films on your car. By doing so, you can improve the look of your car, protect your investment, and keep your car cooler in the summer. Some other benefits include reducing glare and blocking harmful UV rays. If you’re looking for a way to improve your car’s appearance and protection, then installing a Suntek Window Film is a great option.

Suntek window films can help keep your car cool in the summer heat

Suntek window films are an ideal solution to ensure your car stays cool and comfortable while under the hot summer sun. These window films are designed with advanced nano-ceramic particles to block out the sun’s heat and glare, while still allowing light to enter the vehicle. This means that you get a comfortable ride and you’re not left fighting the sun’s rays – with Suntek window films, everyone wins! Additionally, these same window films provide protection from fading, cracking and peeling due to their superior construction process. With these features in mind, it’s clear why Suntek window films are the best way to beat the summer heat in style.

Suntek Film
Suntek Film

They can also protect your car’s interior from fading

At Highline Customs, we know it’s important to keep your car looking its best. That’s why our high-quality window films come with additional bonuses like protecting the interior of your car from fading. The UV-block technology prevents harsh sunlight and other bright outside elements from wreaking havoc on the color of your car’s upholstery and fabric, which means less maintenance required on costly repairs and replacements. Suntek Window Films are tough, reliable, and effective!

Suntek window films can help reduce glare and make driving safer

Suntek window films are a great option for any driver looking to reduce glare and make their driving experience safer. Their specialized construction allows for up to 88% of total solar energy rejection, making them one of the most effective window treatments out there. Whether you’re parked in the sun all day or need extra protection from bright headlights on the highway at night, these films can block up to 99% of harmful UV rays, meaning you and your passengers can drive with peace of mind. Put simply, Suntek window films will help you enjoy a safe and comfortable ride no matter where you go.

They are also easy to clean and maintain

With suntek window films, you don’t need to worry about too much maintenance and upkeep either. These window films are coated with a non-stick surface that is both easy to clean and maintain, letting you enjoy your view for longer without needing additional attention. What’s more, this coating also creates an oleophobic barrier against microbes, water marks and dust residue. So if you want an easier way to keep your windows looking cleaner, suntek window films are worthy of consideration.

Installation is quick and easy, and suntek window films are backed by a warranty

Installing suntek window films is incredibly easy as well as safe for both your windows and your home. With the wide variety of quality films available to fit any budget, these films not only help you protect your furniture, carpets, and artwork from the sun’s harsh rays, they also provide a layer of privacy to your home. Furthermore, each film is backed by a warranty so you can shop with confidence knowing that your purchase is covered. Suntek window films make an affordable yet worthwhile investment— providing protection and added value to your home.

Suntek Window Films
Suntek Window Films

Highline Customs
14273 NW Science Park Dr, Portland, OR 97229
(503) 644-4442

Suntek Window Film

Tips for Choosing the Best Type of Suntek Window Film For Your Car

There are many different types of Suntek window films available on the market, and it can be tricky to choose the right one for your car. In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips for choosing the best type of Suntek window film for your car. We’ll also provide some background information on Suntek window film so you can make an informed decision.

Decide What Type of Window Film You Need

Knowing the right kind of window film for your needs can be difficult – that’s why SunTek Window Film provides a wide range of films to choose from. If privacy is important, there are films which are designed to provide luxurious levels of privacy while still allowing light in. For those seeking greater UV protection and heat reduction, especially during the summer months, there are films with superior tinting and insulating capabilities which combine for an improved energy efficiency. Whatever your needs may be, Suntek Window Film has a product perfect for you.

Suntek Window Film
Suntek Window Film

Consider the Size of Your Car Windows When Choosing a Suntek Window Film

When it comes to finding the right suntek window film for your car, size matters. It is important to take into consideration the dimensions of your car windows when selecting the ideal film, in order to get just the right amount of coverage. To ensure that you have optimal protection, be sure to compare your car’s window measurements with the measurements of each style and line of film before making a commitment to purchase. By doing this research ahead of time, you can rest assured knowing that you are getting just what you need for your vehicle’s particular size and shape.

Choose a Color that Will Complement Your Car’s Exterior Paint Job

Making the decision to change up your car’s exterior can be a tricky one – after all, it’s hard to know whether you’ll love it once the job is done. Fortunately, Suntek Window Film has you covered! Whether you just want a subtle change or something eye-catching, there are dozens of shades to choose from. Consider the underlying tones in your car’s paint job and find a color that will bring out its best. If you’re going for something traditional, the classic black or white shades never disappoint. However, if you want to add a touch of vibrancy and depth, consider going with shades such as bronze, green, pink and more – they’ll add an extra spark of flair without drawing too much attention away from your car’s existing exterior design.

Make Sure to Clean Your Car Windows Before Applying the Suntek Window Film

Keeping your car windows clean prior to applying suntek window film is essential for achieving the best possible result. This window film will look great and maximize its longevity only if installed on dirt and grease-free windows. To achieve this, use commercial-grade glass cleaner, a clean cloth, and some elbow grease. This window film also requires all traces of water to be removed from the windows prior to installation, so take the time to dry each window thoroughly. Taking the necessary steps towards cleaning the car’s windows before installing suntek window film will provide a crisp finish which is sure to turn heads.

Follow the Instructions Carefully to Avoid Any Air Bubbles or Wrinkles in the Film

Applying suntek window film correctly requires following the instructions carefully as user error can cause air bubbles or wrinkles that might reduce the aesthetic of your window. Taking time to measure twice and follow the steps in order will yield a better outcome when installing this window film. Installing such films can be daunting, but with proper care and patience, you can achieve your desired results.

With a suntek window film, you can enjoy the benefits of privacy, UV protection, and heat reduction without having to give up style. You will have to decide what type of window film you need for your car windows, taking their size and your car’s exterior paint job into consideration. Keeping your car windows clean before applying the film is also important. Lastly, make sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them carefully so as not to end up with any air bubbles or wrinkles in the film when it comes time to install it on your car windows. Suntek window films are a great way to enhance the look of your vehicle while providing added protection from harmful UV rays and keeping your car interior cooler!

Best Auto Window Tinting
Best Auto Window Tinting

Highline Customs
14273 NW Science Park Dr, Portland, OR 97229
(503) 644-4442

Suntek Tint

Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing Suntek Tint for Your Car

Are you considering adding suntek tint to your car? If so, there are a few things you should know before making your purchase. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything from the benefits of suntek tint to the different types of film available. By the end, you’ll be armed with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision about whether or not suntek tint is right for you and your car. So let’s get started!

Why You Should Get Suntek Tint for Your Car

SunTek tint is the perfect choice for giving your car maximum protection against the elements. With various shades and shades of color available, you can choose the perfect style to match your preferences while also enjoying added security from harmful UV rays. Suntek tint’s advanced technology also helps reduce glare, meaning you can stay safe on the road with better visibility and clarity. Furthermore, its professional installation ensures that you won’t have any unwanted bubbles or wrinkles. If you’re looking for a reliable, stylish car tint then Suntek tint is ideal for safeguarding both your car and passengers from sun damage.

Paint Protection
Paint Protection

How Suntek Tint Can Help Protect Your Car from the Sun’s Harmful Rays

With Suntek tint, you can protect your car from the sun’s harmful rays. Suntek tint is designed to reduce glare and heat caused by ultraviolet radiation, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable ride regardless of the weather outside. It also helps block 99% of harmful UV rays, protecting both vehicle occupants and automotive interiors from sun damage. Plus, its durable composition allows for superior protection and lasting performance, making it an ideal choice for all types of vehicles. Take your protection further with Suntek tint – install it today and know that your car is safe from the sun’s damaging rays.

The Different Types of Suntek Tint Available

SunTek tint is a premier automotive window film that can be used to enhance the appearance of the vehicle, reduce heat and glare, protect your interior from UV radiation, and more. SunTek tints offer an extensive variety of colors, tones, and shades to choose from, so you can find just the right film that compliments your car perfectly. As an example, Ceramic TS-20 delivers excellent solar protection while emitting extremely low amounts of infrared energy rejection. On the other hand, Carbon FX HP-35 provides superior heat rejection performance balanced with natural clarity and minimal distortion. Each of these options helps regulate the car’s temperature while still maintaining its aesthetic appeal. With such a wide selection available at SunTek, customers are sure to find the optimal window film for their vehicle.

How to Install Suntek Tint on Your Car

Installing Suntek tint is an easy and straightforward process that gives your vehicle a sleek new look. With the right tools and a few simple steps, you can apply this top-of-the-line window tint in no time. First, thoroughly clean and dry the area around each window before you begin applying the product for optimal adhesion and even application results. Make sure to measure each pane to draw out guides for cutting the tint with a utility knife. After that, spray a light mist of application solution on the trim before slowly placing sections of tint film over each window with minimum wrinkles or bubbles. Finally, use a squeegee or another suitable tool to firmly press down on the film until it’s evenly secured throughout all surfaces. With these instructions, you’ll be able to DIY your car’s window tinting and be ready for some sunbathing!

Tips for Maintaining Your Suntek Tint

Maintaining Suntek tint can help you get the most out of your windows. It’s important to clean your tint regularly and not just when it looks dirty. Use mild soap and water and a microfibre cloth to gently remove contaminants without smearing or scratching. You should also use window cleaner regularly as that will help keep your tint looking its best. Lastly, be sure to check the edges of the film for peeling or air bubbles, and repair these immediately if you notice them. A few preventative maintenance measures like this can mean the difference between having a product that lasts for years or one that has to be replaced. 

Overall, Suntek tint is an excellent way to keep your car safe from the sun’s harmful rays. It can also help reduce glare and heat, protect your interior from UV radiation and maintain its aesthetic appeal. Plus, with a range of shades and tones available, you’ll be sure to find just the right window film for your vehicle. So why wait? Get your Suntek tint today and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.

Suntek Tint
Suntek Tint

Highline Customs
14273 NW Science Park Dr, Portland, OR 97229
(503) 644-4442